High Council for Financial Stability

The Haut Conseil de stabilité financière (HCSF - High Council for Financial Stability) is tasked with supervising the financial system as a whole, with the aim of safeguarding its stability and ensuring a sustainable contribution of the financial sector to economic growth.The HCSF also aims to facilitate the cooperation and exchange of information between the institutions that its members represent. These exchanges help to eliminate blind spots in the financial supervisions, and allows for a better oversight of risks arising from interlinkages between participants/sectors and interactions between regulations.


Executive summary of HCSF 2022 annual report
Executive summary of Annual report 2022
Executive summary of HCSF 2021 annual report
Executive summary of HCSF 2021 annual report
Un travail mené par des équipes de la Banque de France, de l'ACPR, de l'AMF et de la DG Trésor pour le HCSF, sur les interconnexions dans le système financier français.
Publication sur les interconnexions dans le système financier français
Exposures through common portfolio and contagion via bilateral cross-holdings among funds, banks and holdings among funds, banks and insurance companies, Chrétien et al., juin 2020.